The District 5 Circus Show Ends With Regina Hill's Win

CircusTent2by Dr.Vincent Polite Sr
Election night and Regina Hill wins. So I had the chance to speak with some officials from both the county and the city. And I must say they seemed genuine in their effort to understand the dynamics of District Five and of the people Regina Hill now represents.

What I tried to convey to them is that many people living in District Five feel as if they are looking out the window of a shack and watching the circus in all its glory go by. And they are not invited. People have looked for ways to overcome the stigma of the challenges they face day-to-day living in District Five.

All for naught because the circus does not care about them. It is not meant for them to enjoy or takeReginaHill Glamorus part in. Many are struggling to make ends meet. Many struggle to keep the lights on, keep bread on the table and just live, while the circus goes by. Many struggle with addictions, domestic violence and hunger, while the circus goes by. Others fall victim to poor social services for the mentally ill. The homeless lack access to medical care, while the circus goes by.

The only time the big-tent-circus ringmaster pays any attention to them is when he needs a stage girl for his next trick or when his show is interrupted and the attention is taken from his center-ring.

Much of district five has heard so many elected liars that they take it all with a grain of salt. It is to the point that voter participation is abysmal. Sadly, that plays right into the hands of those in our community who are self-serving and only want to serve certain members of the community.

With the election of Regina Hill, we are at a turning point where the greater good can and will be a part of the solution. We need to partner with businesses that offer fresh ideas. Businesses that are focused on becoming true corporate citizens willing to have a vested interest in the community; and not just pay lip-service.

Orlando is on the world stage as an international city. Our city should be a role model for championing the well-being of what Christ called the "least of these" to highlight both our compassion and our humanity in recognizing that we are all connected simply by being human beings.

The governance of Orlando cannot continue with petty political models of them versus us and the haves versus the have-nots. Any city can be average, but I want to live in a great city that has the ability to value all of its citizens.